1、now we looke at this book . I decide to make a brief review
the book covers as follows (I straight-forward copy here):
Chapter 1, Building a Vulnerable Web Application Lab, will help us to get andinstall the vulnerable application Mutillidae using Windows and Linux. Also, wewill have a quick tour of how to use this vulnerable web application.Chapter 2, Kali Linux Installation, will explain how to download, install, andconfigure Kali LinuxChapter 3, Delving Deep into the Usage of Kali Linux, will teach more about howto deal with Kali Linux from the Terminal window, and will help you to becomea ninja in bash scripting as well.Chapter 4, All About Using Burp Suite, covers what you need to know aboutMetasploit to fulfil the role of a web application security expert.Chapter 5, Understanding Web Application Vulnerabilities, explains the attacksthat can happen on a web application, and after finishing the chapter, you will beable to use these skills to manipulate your findings during pentests.Chapter 6, Application Security Pre-Engagement, will explain how to sign all thenecessary contracts before starting the tests. Also, you will learn how toestimate, scope, and schedule your tests before they start.Chapter 7, Application Threat Modeling, will explains that ATM is a securityarchitecture document that allows you to identify future threats and to pinpointthe different pentest activities that need to be executed in the future deploymentof the web application project.Chapter 8, Source Code Review, covers how to deal with the source code reviewprocess. The source code is the heart or engine of a web application, and it mustbe properly constructed from a security perspective.Chapter 9, Network Penetration Testing, explains how to use Metasploit, Nmap,and OpenVAS together to conduct a network infrastructure vulnerabilityassessment.Chapter 10, Web Intrusion Tests, will show how to look for web application basedvulnerabilities (SQLi, XSS, and CSRF) using Burp. Also, the readers will learnhow to take advantage of, get a remote shell, and probably elevate theirprivileges on the victim web server.Chapter 11, Pentest Automation Using Python, explains how to automateeverything that we have learned using the Python language for a moreperformant result.Appendix A, Nmap Cheat Sheet, a list of the most common Nmap options.Appendix B, Metasploit Cheat Sheet, provides a quick reference to the Metasploitframework.Appendix C, Netcat Cheat Sheet, provides Netcat commands and a few popularpractical examples.Appendix D, Networking Reference Section, provides important information aboutnetworking, such as network subnets, port number, and its services.Appendix E, Python Quick Reference, provides a quick overview of the amazingprogramming language—Python.2、now we looke at the first paragraphhow install vulnerable web application on wondows or linux or Ubuntu the application nmae's is Mutillidae in chinese(大黄蜂)
at present how to download ,the address url : www.packtpub.com
another resource in GitHub the address url: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Practical-web-Penetration-Testing
how to building like this :
step1 download Mutiliidae url: https:/sourceforge.net
3、install the simulation application XAMPP
the XAMPP have Apache Mysql and php functions
the download url : https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
4、before install the XAMPP close allover antivirus,for me I have been installed another Trigger problems
install procedur as follows : in this here I use the default path C
我的电脑启动apacheL的时候 出现异常,因为之前安装过一个类似的application DVWA。也有可能是其他软件占用了固定的端口 ,修改配置文件如下
修改配置的端口后 启动成功。总结 修改一共两个端口 the one 服务端口 80 修改成8081 the second 监听端口 443 直接注释掉或者修改成1023以上的端口
5、how to install mutillidae
search your ip
成功启动Mutillidae之后 如下
但是有时候提示出现 错误代码 1045
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password:YES)